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The Kinds of Low Carb Meals Prepared for Family

Carbs are molecules that contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen atoms. The body uses carbs to produce energy. Fats are what excess carbs are stored as. Weight is gained because of the body storing excess carbs as fats. In order to avoid weight gain, individual are now reducing the carb portions in their meals. Another way to reduce carb intake is to eat low carbs meals. A healthy living will be ensured. The low carb meals will help individuals to lose weight and stay healthy. The body will be greatly impacted by eliminating carbs. It is beneficial to have a low carb meal than no car at all. There are several types of low carb meals that can be prepared. Get more information here.

One of the low carb meals include the vegetable and eggs fried in coconut oil. A family can enjoy this meal daily for breakfast. The vegetable and the protein content of the meal will keep the individual for hours. The ingredients include coconut oil, eggs, vegetable mix of your choice, and spices. The first thing to do to cook the meal is to preheat the frying pan and add in the coconut oil. Add the selected vegetable mix and let it soften for a few minutes in the heat. Later add the beaten eggs, a quantity that depends on the number of family. While the egg is cooking, the spices should be added and food stirred till it is ready. the meal is quick and simple to prepare in the morning as breakfast.

Vegetables and pesto chicken is a low carb meal. The low carb meal can be for lunch or dinner for the family. The meal is prepared within few minutes. An individual will require sun dried tomatoes, chicken thighs, olive oil, basil pesto, cherry tomatoes and asparagus. To cook the chicken thighs the sun dried tomatoes is used. The asparagus is cooked with the rest of the sun dried tomatoes. After a while the chicken, asparagus and the pesto are mixed together. When ready, use the cherry potatoes and mix them together.

A bacon and egg breakfast is also a good low carb meal. A low carb that is a processed meat is the bacon. It should however not be taken often in a week especially if an individual aims at losing weight. The three ingredients required to prepare this meal are eggs, spices and bacon. The first step of preparing this meal is frying the bacon on a frying pan. the bacon should be removed from the frying pan once it is well cooked. Use the bacon fat to fry the eggs. the next step is to add the desired spices in the eggs while its cooking. Serve the bacon and egg for the family to enjoy.

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